Grab my new series, "Hearts Across the Frontier", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Chapter One
Eden poked her needle into the proper place, adding another stitch to the perfect row she’d been sewing all morning. She set down the embroidered handkerchief she was almost done stitching. There had once been a time when she had loved stitching. She enjoyed working on the handkerchiefs, the bonnets, and the ties. Those days were before she had to do it all day, every day, and sometimes late into the night.
Eden stood and left the little workshop, wandering through the empty house into the kitchen. She found some bread from the day before and a bowl of porridge from that morning. She sat down at the table and enjoyed the silence for a couple of seconds before she prayed just like her aunt taught her and began eating. She brushed a stray lock of blonde hair from her face and took a bite of the bread. She disliked every aspect of this life, the long, hard days of work and the lonely times when her uncle left for days at a time. Sometimes, he would be gone for weeks. She longed for the times when her aunt would fill her days with learning new accomplishments and the happy laughter and conversation that always accompanied those teaching sessions.
Her aunt had made her life joyful and something that she looked forward to. All of that was gone now.
The sound of the door opening with a bang made her jump. She hadn’t expected her uncle back yet. She thought of abandoning her food and rushing back to the shop, but there was little chance of arriving there without him realizing she hadn’t been there when he returned. He appeared in the kitchen doorway a moment later. His angry eyes swept the kitchen.
“You’re slacking off again? I knew that’s all you do whenever I left you here alone. It’s a wonder anything gets done at all. Is there no end to your ungratefulness?” Her uncle’s words slurred together just a bit, enough so Eden knew that he’d probably had a drink or two too many. His black hair was thinning, leaving bald patches on his head, and his stomach hung over his belt. Eden remembered the composed uncle she had met when she first came to live with him and her aunt. There was barely a trace of that man now. After her aunt’s death, he had changed drastically and not for the better.
She tried to hide her disdain.
“Well, answer me!” her uncle demanded. Eden hated answering. It was always hard to tell if her uncle actually wanted an answer or was just looking for a fight.
“I was working. I just took a moment to have something to eat. I already finished all but one of the new handkerchiefs you asked me to make.” Eden grimaced at her own words. She knew her uncle sold the things she made. She didn’t know how much he sold them for or who might purchase them, but she knew he made a great deal of money selling everything she created. He was a traveling salesman. He always had been, even when she first came to live with him and her aunt. Over the years, he stopped selling the other products he once sold and now only carried the wares that she made. Eden was flattered that so many people enjoyed her handiwork, but she was also exhausted.
“You think that just because you are eighteen now, you can do whatever you want? Don’t you forget how much you owe me, Eden. When you had nothing, Alice took you in. She may have been the one here with you, but who do you think paid your way? Who paid for your food and clothes and kept you out of the orphanage, even after Alice died? Me. I am the one who did all that, so now you owe me.”
Eden nodded silently. It was true she had looked forward to turning eighteen for years, but now that it had actually happened, she was starting to wonder why. At some point, she had planned on escaping when she turned eighteen. She thought she would run away and start her life over. But she didn’t feel as if she could do that now. She did owe her uncle. He had given her a home and a job when no one else probably would have.
Besides, if she ran away, she didn’t know where she would go. She didn’t have somewhere else to stay, and it was more than a little difficult for a young woman to find a job in town. No one would want an orphan girl to take care of. She couldn’t start living on the street. She needed to eat and stay safe. She watched as her uncle lumbered down the hallway, disappearing into his room. That was the good thing about when he wasn’t very drunk. He would go to sleep and wouldn’t bother her for hours. Then he would get up, have something to eat, and would be out of the house again, on another one of his trips.
She had never missed her uncle, even in the days with her aunt. It was always more peaceful when he wasn’t there. She buried her face in her hands, wishing that she had something different in her life. She wondered if her parents would have been angry at her uncle if they knew how things had ended up. She only remembered a little about them. She did remember her mother’s blonde hair falling gently around her shoulders, and how kind she was to her. She could remember how her mother sang to her each night when she put her to bed. She remembered her father’s kind eyes as he swooped her up and swung her around in the air.
Her parents had loved her. Even though her memories of that time were brief, they were some of the happiest times of her life. She could still remember conversations and moments from her early life, but she couldn’t remember exactly what her parents looked like, their smiles, their faces, or other details. She shook her head and finished up her porridge, heading back to the shop. As soon as she stepped inside, dread washed over her.
She dreaded working in that place. She wished she could go back to years ago when it used to bring her joy. She closed her eyes and ran her fingers over the wooden worktable as she let the memories overtake her.
“I think you will be good at this.” Eden’s aunt, Alice, led her through a door she had never been through before during the three years she had lived at her aunt and uncle’s home. She immediately liked the place. It smelled musty, but in a good way. It seemed almost cozy. There were stacks of fabric on two long wooden tables. There were other things on the tables, too, needles, thread, scissors, and everything else that might be found in a seamstress or tailor’s shop.
Eden touched a bit of fabric that was hanging off the nearest table.
“Do you sew?” she asked her aunt.
“I do. I make all my own dresses, and I also like to embroider. I keep all my materials here. You were too young before, but I think it is time you learned how to sew and make things. It is something that has kept me encouraged through the years. When I need a moment to think, or just need to start over and get some courage, I turn to a needle and thread.” Aunt Alice smiled mysteriously. And I made most of your dresses.
“Why didn’t you show me before?”
“Because I wanted it to be special when I showed you. I wanted you to appreciate it and understand it as I do. I knew there were more chances of that happening if you waited to see this until you were a bit older.”
“Are you going to teach me how to make things like you do?” Eden had seen some of the things around the house that she now knew were her aunt’s doing. She remembered on her last birthday how her aunt’s eyes had shined with excitement as she opened the package containing the beautiful blue floral dress that she adored. She doubted she would ever have the talent or patience necessary to make such projects.
“Of course. Come, let’s start with something simple, a sampler.”
Eden smiled. Her aunt had made learning so much fun. She would hum, tell jokes, and she would make sure that Eden was having a pleasant time. There was never a dull moment of learning with her aunt. She looked forward to the long hours they spent together in that room. She loved to create with her hands the more she did it. Things back then were similar to how they were now, except that now her aunt was gone, and she was alone. She and her aunt would focus on her uncle when he was home. They would cook and clean and be there if her uncle needed anything. As soon as he walked out the door to go on his trips with his wares, they would retreat to the workroom to do something together.
Sometimes her aunt would teach her from books. They would read and learn about the world. Other times they would pull out the projects that they were working on, and they would sew them together. They would make all sorts of things. Most of the time, they either kept the items, or her aunt would sell or gift them to her friends. Eden didn’t mind one bit when her aunt would sell them. She would use all the money that was made to buy new materials so they could keep creating. Eden never dreamed that such a fun activity would become her burden later in life.
When her aunt passed away, her uncle kept on with his job for a while until one of the women her aunt had gifted a bonnet to came looking for one for her sister. Her uncle asked Eden if she could make the embroidered bonnets like her aunt used to, and Eden didn’t have it in her to lie about her ability. Perhaps if she had guessed her uncle’s intentions, she would have lied to him and insisted that she did not know how to make the bonnets.
After that, her uncle started requesting she make more and more for clients in town. Once he discovered he could sell the bonnets, the requests didn’t stop coming. He demanded that Eden spend long hours creating more and more products to sell. Eden had long ago fallen into despair that robbed her of any joy. There were nights she would lay awake in bed and wonder if there would ever be an end to her long days filled with frustrations, aches, pains, and misery. She hoped that there would be, and that tiny hope was all that kept her going.
Without hope, she would have nothing. She still thought of the good times she had with her aunt and held on to the way those made her feel. She liked to think that one day, she would have that again.
Chapter Two
Adam leaned in against the chair he was finishing up. It was one of his best pieces. It was a rocking chair with slender pieces on the bottom that would carry anyone who sat on it in smooth motions back and forth. He pressed his knife against the surface, completing the final swirl.
“Well, I’ll be….” his uncle’s deep voice behind him made him jump slightly. His uncle had left the house for most of the day to take care of errands in town. Adam had been working on the chair tirelessly ever since. He had made quite a bit of progress since his uncle had gone out. He felt a rush of embarrassment but also a thrill of pride. Of course, he would never be able to craft quite as well as his uncle, who had been a wood crafter for more than thirty years. His work probably seemed like a child’s work to his uncle.
However, he still felt good about what he’d accomplished. He remembered when he used to sit on his uncle’s workbench when he was a toddler, watching in fascination as his uncle’s skilled hands made things come alive. He’d wanted to do that ever since. He wanted to make beautiful masterpieces that would make people’s lives easier. He wanted to be able to make things from nothing and transform the space they occupied. He felt as if he’d come close to that with this rocking chair.
“That chair is very impressive. It’s exactly what I have been waiting to see from you, Adam. You know enough to go back and start your own shop, and believe me, everyone within a hundred miles will be traveling to buy things from you.” His uncle grinned, the little wrinkles by his eyes grouping and emphasizing how happy he was. Adam let out a rush of air. He’d been nervous to hear what his uncle had to say.
“Maybe you think I’m ready, but I don’t feel ready. I am glad I still have a couple more weeks before I am supposed to go back.” Adam wished he were staying a few more months with his uncle. There was still so much he wanted to learn and understand. Every single day he learned something new. He had improved so much with each of his lessons, but there were techniques and tricks that took years to fully master.
On Adam’s first trip to Chicago, he’d learned all the basics. Then he went home and decided that he needed more instruction to start his own shop, so he traveled back to Chicago to continue his apprenticeship. His uncle’s confirmation that he was ready to start his place was more than he’d ever expected.
He blew the dust away gently on the vine he’d just carved.
“Thank you, Uncle Reed. You have no idea how much I appreciate you teaching me these skills. Everything I know I owe to you.” Adam smiled up at his uncle. His uncle had been one of the reasons he had not wanted to move to Texas. He didn’t want to leave the man he looked up to behind. His uncle had always been a part of his life. He wanted to come with them to Texas, but he had a large, successful business in Chicago selling his furniture. He said he couldn’t just walk away from something he’d worked for years to build.
Now that Adam was grown up, he could see why his uncle wouldn’t want to leave Chicago and the business he’d created. People loved and respected his uncle and his work. Everyone nearby had at least one piece of furniture made by his uncle in their home. That was how good his work was. Adam was honored to learn from the best. There were plenty of young men who came to his uncle asking for training, but his uncle always turned them down. He had no desire to create more competition in Chicago.
“Everything you’ve learned has been because of your own work. You’ve shown the dedication, the long hours, and the determination needed for this line of work. I do not doubt that after these last few weeks, you’ll be as close to a professional as possible. In fact, I would argue that some of your creations might even be better than my own.”
“There is no way that anything I make will be better than yours.” Adam shook his head as he stood and dusted his clothing off. His muscles ached, and he was tired, but it was a good feeling. He had the feeling of a good day’s work under his belt. It was something he looked forward to at the end of each day.
“You know what? While you’re here in Chicago, you should go exploring in the city. Both times you’ve come to visit me, you’ve stayed cooped up in this woodshop and barely stepped outside.”
“I don’t mind. I like to learn and use my time well. I came here to work on wood-crafting, so that’s what I should be doing.” Adam shrugged.
“Nonsense. Now that you are going back to Texas intending to start a business, it will be years until you can come back to the city. You should take advantage of being here and see what it is like. It’s not the same as it was when you were a little lad, and your parents totted you around everywhere. You will see things differently now that you’ve grown.”
Adam grinned. “I don’t have much I want to explore, though there is one thing I’ve been meaning to do before I head back to Texas.”
“What’s that?” his uncle leaned forward slightly as if he was very interested in hearing what desire Adam had.
“There’s a bonnet. I purchased it for my mother when I was here last time. She’s had it for almost three years now, and it’s her favorite bonnet. She says the embroidery is like nothing she’s ever seen before. The place where I bought it is a little far away from here, and I’ve been meaning to pass by and get another one for her. She loves her bonnets, and I thought it would be nice to bring her another since she can’t find one like it in Texas.” Adam had the bonnet on his mind since he’d arrived again in Chicago.
His mother barely let a day go by when she didn’t mention how much she wished she could get another bonnet like the one he’d gifted her.
“Of course. It isn’t quite as ambitious as far as exploring the city might be, or what I might have expected from you, but it’s a start.” His Uncle Reed shrugged. “Tomorrow, you should set out in the morning. We will skip our daily lessons. I think you’ve earned a break.”
Adam nodded. He didn’t tell his uncle that he would have been perfectly content if he received the same number of classes every single day with no break or exploring to be done. He didn’t see his lessons with his uncle as a chore or something to be dreaded. He looked forward to every single second of them. He enjoyed the feeling of the wood under his hands and the increasing ease with which he used the woodworking tools his uncle taught him to use.
Exploring and searching for a bonnet for his mother was still something that might be pleasant enough. He stretched with his hands on his hips, then headed to his room for a rest. He needed to get some sleep to make his eyes stop burning from the long hours of work. He could barely keep himself from rushing back and taking one more look at the rocking chair he’d finished. It was his best piece ever, and he had no idea how he was going to part with it.
Adam woke up before the sun just like he did every morning. Today, he didn’t jump out of bed and rush to the workshop like he usually did. He remembered what his uncle said about taking a break today. Even though he thought it would be boring, it was nice to take a few moments to relax and think. He didn’t have long left of his time in Chicago, and it made sense to take a day or two just to enjoy the big city. He stood and took his time getting dressed. He chose his brown pants and a matching vest to wear over a light blue shirt. He slicked his brown hair back and shaved carefully, trying not to nick his chin.
When he got to the kitchen, his uncle was serving up two bowls of grits.
“There you are. Slept in a bit, eh?” His uncle had dust in his beard and a glint in his eye. It seemed that despite his uncle’s words about not having classes today, he had still gotten some work done in the woodshop. Adam wasn’t surprised. His uncle was the hardest worker he’d ever met. He never wasted a moment, and he was constantly improving.
“I did take a few more moments than normal. It was nice, but I missed working. Do you ever take a break?” Adam already knew the answer, but he figured he would ask anyway.
“I do take a break when I absolutely must, but I find that it is rarely more restful to take a break than it is to work in my shop. Working with wood and making things is a reward in and of itself for me.”
Adam nodded. He could understand that well enough. After breakfast, he helped his uncle with the dishes before heading out. It was strange to be out on the streets. His uncle handled most of the purchasing from the market and the mercantile while he was there. He’d allowed himself to be completely buried in his work at the woodshop ever since he arrived. He’d learned a lot, but he’d let himself go a bit. He looked down at his arms. He was probably a bit paler than he’d been when he was spending most of his days out in the sun in Texas. As much as he enjoyed being in Chicago, he did miss his family back in Texas. His little sister and big brothers came to mind.
Ralph, Ernie, and Isa were all waiting for him there. His siblings were the few people who he knew were in his life for the right reasons. That was a downfall of being born into a wealthy family. There were a lot of things that came with being in a family that could afford everything they needed without a problem. Some of them were positive things, like being able to afford to travel to Chicago to learn about something he loved and see family. Others were bad things, like never knowing why someone wanted to be his friend or seemed interested in him.
He frowned as he turned the corner and began heading down another street. His mother had wanted him to get married for quite some time now, and his siblings often teased him with one young woman or another, but he’d never really settled down with anyone. He had tried a couple of times to start a relationship, but it was easy to see fairly quickly that the women he was interested in were rarely interested in him for the same reasons. Most of them saw him as an opportunity to improve things for their family. His own family had encouraged him to look for someone of equal status. That task proved to be very difficult, as Adam’s father ran a large cattle ranch and no one in town had nearly as much money or property as his family.
It took a few hours for Adam and Uncle Reed to reach the place where he could recall purchasing the bonnet on his last visit. It was located on the other side of town, and Adam felt good allowing himself to stretch out his long legs. He could have rented a horse, but he preferred to walk. It was refreshing to get some clean air in his lungs and enjoy a bit of exercise. He quickened his step. The sun was high in the sky, burning down on the streets. It was the warmest time of year in Chicago, but even so, it didn’t compare to the burning heat in Texas.
When he finally arrived at the street he remembered, his heart sank. At first, he thought he might just be in the wrong place, but he quickly realized that it was the right place, but it was the wagon and the salesman that was missing. Back when he’d been there before, the salesman had a line of people waiting to buy his wares. As a young man who knew little about what to get his mother or anyone else as a gift, he thought lots of people buying things from the stand must mean that they were good quality and to be sought after.
He stood there in the middle of the street for a moment, wondering what to do next. Not only did he want to purchase a second bonnet for his mother, but he also wanted to take one home to his sister. He’d heard more than once how she wished she had one like the one he’d purchased for his mother. Adam’s eyes landed on a small flower shop on the corner of the street. Maybe they knew more about the salesman and where he was or where Adam could find him. He crossed the street and went into the shop. It was full of different sweet fragrances, and there was no shortage of flowers all around him. His eyes were attracted to the red roses sitting on the countertop.
Adam walked up to the front counter to talk to the older woman standing behind it. Her gray hair was pulled up into a bun on top of her head, and wisps were escaping all around her face giving her a halo effect.
“Good afternoon. I was wondering if you might know what happened to the vendor who used to sell bonnets and handkerchiefs and things of the like outside down the street.” Adam hoped that the woman wouldn’t be offended that he was in her shop asking about a different vendor.
“Actually, I do. He usually sells there in between trips. He’s a bit of a traveling salesman. Apparently, his wares are quite popular. Right now, he’s left on a trip to another town. It will be quite a few days before he’s back, perhaps a week or two.”
“Oh.” Adam couldn’t hide his disappointment. From what this woman was saying, he might not find this man before he left and went back home to Texas.
“Don’t look so disappointed. He doesn’t make the products he sells.” The older woman leaned in as if she were sharing a secret.
“He doesn’t?”
“No, of course not. That man doesn’t like working much himself. It’s a wonder he takes the time and effort to sell as much as he does. Suppose it’s the one good thing he can do. I never did understand what Alice saw in him. Then again, he might have been different when he was young. Seems like after she passed, he turned rather sour.”
Adam tried to wait patiently for her to get back to what she was saying. She seemed to have strayed into a memory, and it took a moment for her eyes to focus on him again.
“Anyway, as I was saying, he doesn’t make the things he sells. His niece does. She probably has whatever it is you are looking for. You could buy it directly from her.”
“Really?” Adam felt his hope rushing back. He would prefer to buy the things he’d come for today, so he didn’t have to make this trip again.
“Yes, she lives down this street, past the hill. It’s the only house up there. White window shutters. You can’t miss it.” The woman smiled. “That girl could use a visit or two. I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you.”
“Thank you, I appreciate it.” Adam left the flower shop, wondering what the woman was referring to exactly. She almost sounded as if she felt bad for whoever this young woman was who made the bonnets. Adam wondered if the young woman really would be happy if he showed up on her doorstep asking for bonnets. Perhaps he should have waited for the man who sold them to return instead of searching for her.
He wanted to meet this woman who made the bonnet his mother loved so much. From the way the flower shop lady spoke of her, there was a bit of mystery surrounding her, and that made him want to see what she was all about even more.
Chapter Three
The house that the woman at the flower shop described was not hard to find. In fact, it was right where she said it would be, with the white window shutters and a little off the beaten path. He paused for a moment at the front door, wondering if he should be there at all. There didn’t seem to be any sign of anyone else hanging around the house. He wondered if the young woman who made the bonnets was home alone and if it was even proper for him to enter the house when they would certainly be unchaperoned.
Deciding there was no way to find out, he finally knocked. When no one answered, he knocked again, louder this time. After waiting for several moments, he finally heard someone moving around inside, heading for the door. He straightened up and took a step back before the door opened a second later.
A young woman stood there. She was a bit shorter than him, her blonde hair pulled back in a messy bun at the back of her neck. She looked tired, as if she’d been awake for far too long. Her blue eyes scanned the porch like she hadn’t been expecting anyone to be there and as if she especially didn’t expect him there. She looked like a frightened little deer that had been surprised in the woods.
“Hi….” Adam stammered, completely losing all track of what he meant to say. “I’m sorry for bothering you on such short notice. The woman at the flower shop directed me here. She said that you might be the one making some bonnets and things that your uncle sells.”
“Oh.” The young woman’s eyes looked at him with distrust in them. “I don’t really sell them. I just make them.”
“I know, I know. It’s just that I’m not going to be in town long before I head back out west, and I was really hoping to get one for my mother and sister. The woman at the flower store also said that your uncle was on a trip for a while, and he might not be back anytime soon.”
The girl nodded. “She’s right. He said he would be back in a week or two. He left yesterday morning. What were you looking for exactly?”
“An embroidered bonnet. I would like two, one for my mother, and one for my sister. I bought a red and yellow one before for my mother and she loved it. I’m sure she would like another color as well. She loves bonnets and things like that. Of course, whatever the price is, it’s all right. They must be a lot of work.” An expression he couldn’t read passed over the girl’s face. If he had to describe it, he would say that she looked surprised at his words.
“I can see what I have…would you like to come in or wait here?”
“I….” Adam wasn’t sure what the politest thing to do would be.
She stood looking uncertain for just a second and smiled. “Come in.” The girl took a step back and motioned for him to follow. She turned and walked down a small hallway. He could see that the house was very simple. They passed a parlor, then stepped into a room that was filled with everything he could imagine being used to make the bonnets and other things he’d seen at the stand where he’d bought the bonnet last time. She walked over to a worktable and picked up a bonnet. The embroidery looked similar to the one that this mother had. It was done in a mixture of vibrant purple, yellow, and white.
“Were you looking for something like this?” the young woman asked, holding up a pale blue flowered bonnet with intricately embroidered edges.
Adam nodded. “That’s exactly what I’m looking for.”
“Oh.” The young woman set it back on the worktable. “My uncle took all the finished ones with him. It will be a few days before I finish this one, and if you want two….”
Adam stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I can wait. I mean, I have a few days and a couple things to do here in the city before I go back.”
“Okay, are you are in a hurry to get back home?” The girl sat down on the stool by the worktable and started stitching on the bonnet.
“I am not in a hurry necessarily, but I’ve been gone several months, so I do miss my family. I’m Adam Barber, by the way.” He stood and shook her hand with a flourish. “Sorry, I forgot my manners.”
“Eden.” She smiled for the second time since he’d met her. It was slight and barely there, but it was a smile, nonetheless. Adam wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, but somehow it felt too rushed to leave her home as soon as he’d come, so he pulled up a second stool that was sitting nearby and sat down. Eden didn’t seem bothered. She just kept stitching away, expertly switching between the purple, white, and yellow threads that were hanging unfinished from the bonnet. “So, where is home for you?”
“It’s in Texas. My parents own a ranch there.” Adam hadn’t met anyone who didn’t know his family for quite some time. Anyone his uncle introduced him to seemed to already know who he was, who his family was, and what he was doing in Chicago.
“Your mother liked the bonnet you took her?” Eden seemed happy at that news. He could see the way her blue eyes lit up when she mentioned his mother that it was something she had enjoyed hearing.
“She did. In fact, she talks about it all the time and has pretty much stopped wearing the rest of her bonnets. My little sister is very jealous that she doesn’t have one of her own. When they heard that I was coming back to Chicago, they both made me promise I was going to search for another one. I wanted to take them as a gift.” Adam reached out and picked up a handkerchief from a stack that was sitting on the edge of the table.
He looked at the delicate stitching that surrounded each edge of the white fabric with little designs that were astounding with their detail.
“Do you make all of these things all by yourself?”
“I do. I make them all by myself.” Eden looked both proud and embarrassed over the fact. She looked at the floor and blushed, but her lips were turned up slightly. He found it strange to see her in this shop surrounded by all the sewing materials all alone. From the number of handkerchiefs, scarves, and well-crafted bits and bobs Adam remembered seeing on the salesman’s cart several years ago, Adam would have imagined the objects were produced by many different seamstresses. He folded the handkerchief and put it back. Meeting Eden had only filled him with more questions. Why was she willing to work so hard on all of this? Why was she all alone in this house, sewing by herself? What happened to her parents? He wondered if he would get the chance to answer those questions.
“A Life-Changing Easter Miracle” is an Amazon Best-Selling novel, check it out here!
Orphaned at a really young age, Eden Ward has been dealing with tragedy ever since she remembers herself. Her life is unbearable under the roof of her exploitative uncle, who maltreats her and forces her into endless hours of work. Fate will be kind to her for once, when a charming stranger shows up at her workshop looking for one of her embroidered bonnets and, as the prince of a forgotten tale, offers her a chance to be happy.
Will Eden find the courage to break free from her chains and follow her heart?
Adam Barber has abandoned any hope of finding true love since his wealthy family has been in too many instances the reason for a lady to approach him. Fate, however, proved him wrong as, while in Chicago, he meets a young woman, Eden, who is unlike anyone he’s met before. The more he gets to know her, the more he is drawn to her, pleasantly surprised by their honest connection. She is like a caged songbird and all he can think of is how to set her free…
Will his feelings be strong enough to rock her world and help her crush the walls that threaten to keep her from happiness?
Eden longs to move on to a brighter future with Adam, but her uncle is surely not ready to let her go, putting insurmountable challenges in their way… Will their tale come to a bitter end or will they manage to escape, rejoicing at yet another Easter miracle?
“A Life-Changing Easter Miracle” is a historical western romance novel of approximately 80,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.
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Hello my dears, I hope you enjoyed the preview of this sweet story! I am eagerly awaiting for your thoughts here. Thank you kindly! Happy Easter to all! 🤗🌺
I really enjoyed this preview and can’t wait to read the whole story. I love your story and enjoy every one that I read so far.
Thank you so much for this heartwarming comment my dear! I can’t wait for your feedback once you’ve read the whole story! I hope you enjoy it 🥰